








有些人寧願相信魔鬼的存在卻拒絕去認識神﹐寧願一生沒有平安的過活﹔ 有些人窮了一生的徒勞掙扎去尋找信仰和真理﹐ 他們走到生命盡頭始悔悟了上帝﹔ 有些人知道有神﹐他們認識上帝﹐那是他們的福氣。


(下面是影片內老師和學生的的英文對話- 留意學生是偉大的科學家愛因斯坦喔)

“Does evil exist?”

One day, a professor of a university decided to defy his pupils.
He asked: "Did God create everything that exists?"
A student answered bravely: “Yes, He did.”
“Everything?” asked the teacher
“Yes, everything.” Was the answer of the student.
“In this case, God also created evil, correct? Because evil exists.” Said the teacher …
To that, the student had no answer and remained in silence.
The teacher was delighted at the opportunity to prove one more time that faith was only a myth.
Suddenly, another student raised his hand and asked: “May I ask you a question, professor?”
“Of course”, was the answer.
“Does cold exist?”
“Of course,” answered the professor, “Did you never feel cold?
“Actually, sir, cold does not exist. According to studies in Physics, cold is the total and complete absence of heat. An object can only be studied if it has and transmits energy and it is the heat of an object that transmits it’s energy. Without heat, the objects are inert, incapable to react. But cold does not exist. We created the term cold to explain the lack of heat.”
“And darkness?”, continues the student.
“It exists”, replied the professor
“Again, you’re wrong sir, darkness is the total absence of light. You can study light and brightness, but not darkness. The prism of Nichols shows the variety of different colors in which the light can be decomposed according to the longitude of the waves. Darkness is the term we created to explain the total absence of light”
And finally, the student asked: “And evil, sir, does evil exist?”
“God did not create evil. Evil is the absence of God in people’s hearts, it is the absence of love, humanity and faith. Love and faith are like heat and light. They exist. Their absence lead to evil.”
Now it was the professor’s turn to remain silent….

The name of the student was: ALBERT EISTEIN





我最喜歡阿爾伯特•愛因斯坦 (Albert Eistein) 與他的教授的辯論, 異常精彩, 值得一看再看.

他有很多著名的語錄, 玆擇錄一二, 如下:

Before God we are all equally wise— and equally foolish.
在上帝面前,我們都一樣聰明 -- 也都一樣愚蠢。

God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically.

Dancers are the athletes of God.

Albert Eistein

圖/文 : 古麟

